
Everything we offer you can also ask for as a wholesale subscriber. If you might be interested in being our dealer, please don’t hesitate and contact us. After saving your data into our register of subscribers you can use all the advantages of shopping directly in our E-Shop including the wholesales prices. After logging in, there you will see all the goods with wholesales prices.

What do you need? Please sign up in our E-Shop where you might fill the company name as well as its number of identification. We also kindly ask you to send us a copy of licence from your Companies’ register. Afterwards we will create your new account as a wholesale representative. That allows you to join the wholesale representative’s E-Shop.

Holandska 2437
272 06 Kladno
Czech Republic
Telephone and fax number: 00420 312 68 68 00
Telephone: 00420 312 661 216
Mobile Phone: 00420 604 72 63 44
E-mail: info@jasminstyl.cz
Skype: jasminstyl
Skype: Jasmin Styl